

Dec 05, 2023

10 Great Reader Comments on Traveling

Do you have any travel coming up? My husband Max and I have decided that this summer will be all about short road trips — think: sleepy lake towns and Disneyland! Since we’re still learning the ropes of traveling with a toddler, I’ve been spending extra time in the comments section and have been blown away by the game-changing tips. Here are 10 reader comments for making the most of your vacation…

On hacks for long flights:

"As a long-time business traveler, I’ve tested out my fair share of travel pillows, but NOTHING compares to the Trtl. It's like a fuzzy neck brace that has revolutionized plane sleep for me. I promise you’ll never have a sore neck after an overnight flight again. Just pop on an eye mask and you’re golden." — Hannah

"For overnight flights, I always pack instant oatmeal and a teabag. Then I ask for two cups of hot water and have a meal much better than most airline food." — Zoe

"When I was a kid, we’d travel from Australia to the U.S. to visit my grandparents. Our flights stopped in Hawaii and L.A. before we finally made it to the East Coast. My parents would pack a tennis ball, and in the middle of the night during layovers, we’d spend hours throwing, catching, and running after the ball. This also guaranteed that we’d pass out on the next leg of our flight." — Rachel

On beloved traditions:

"Every summer my friend and I meet for a long weekend in Maine. We stay at a luxurious hotel right on the beach, eat lobster rolls, read books, get massages, and track down the best blueberry pie. It's truly heavenly!" — Amrita

On personal planning:

"For my honeymoon, my wife and I used a boutique LGBT travel agency. It was the first time I hadn't planned a vacation by myself, but I was overwhelmed trying to figure out where we’d not only BE safe, but FEEL safe. The agency secured accommodations only at hotels they had relationships with. Relieving the worry of whether we’d be kicked out upon arrival was worth every penny." — SML

On comforting rituals:

"I’m an introvert and realized a lot of what wears me out about staying in hotels is having to eat all my meals in public. So, recently when I went to a work conference, I decided to pack coffee-making supplies (a Melitta pour-over cone, filters, and a bag of coffee I ground before leaving). Lingering over coffee and a book, like I do when I’m at home, was grounding and helped me start the day feeling like myself." — Calla

On living like a local:

"I love checking out grocery stores in other countries to find exciting new-to-me snacks. I also like seeing what other countries have in their ‘American food’ sections – there are usually a few items that give a good laugh. Two shelves displaying three flavors of ‘Fluff’? Amazing." — SB

"We always look up a swimming pool, especially in leisure centers or community clubs. In Budapest, we went crazy with public baths! It's nice to go where local families go, and most of them are both historical and affordable." — Vanessa

On traveling with kids:

"I flew a lot with my toddler daughter, and I highly recommend a roll of blue tape. It's wildly entertaining for tiny people (stick on walls, trays, themselves, etc.), and it comes off more easily than masking tape. I’d also bring along puff balls and an empty water bottle – my daughter would spend hours poking puff balls into the water bottle, shaking the bottle around, and then pulling them back out. For when all else fails, I’ll share the advice our pediatrician gave me before our first family flight: all planes eventually land." — Katie

On traveling alone:

"My solo travel tip: when it comes to small decisions (taxi or train? room service or breakfast café? museum or meandering?) ask yourself, ‘In this moment, what will bring me, and only me, peace and happiness?’ So often, we make decisions based on what we think others might want, or what we think we should want. When traveling alone, I sometimes feel guilt or shame for staying in one night instead of going on an adventure. But then I ask myself: am I giving myself something that makes me joyful? (Room service fries with a cold glass of Champagne are a big YEAH!)" — J.

What travel revelations have you had? Please share with the group!

P.S. How to look fresh on vacation and our Paris guide.

(Photo from Normal People.)

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On hacks for long flights: On beloved traditions: On personal planning: On comforting rituals: On living like a local: On traveling with kids: On traveling alone: What travel revelations have you had? Please share with the group!